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Wednesday, 20 January 2010 08:32



In 'August 2008, after a U.S. trip, Mr. Victor, one of the owners of the company sees an accessory used to cut grass with a man standing, the accessory was used in a golf course for mowing' s grass, near 'areas of difficult access or finishing, hence the idea, create a coupling that could be applied to any agricultural machinery and providing for the use of man on earth, but with different characteristics than those already 'on the European market.

In particular it was necessary to consider the possibility of working man in position offset to the centreline of the car, both left and right, without prejudice to the possibility of working centrally.

To what 'and' followed neccessità to adjust the length position of man in order to adapt to different heights of people that use it, and different models of machines.

THE MACHINES ON WHICH YOU CAN 'APPLY THE TOW Articles; ARE: mowers, Falciatutto, mower, shredder, Transporters, industrial cleaning machines, etc. ...


In particolar modo si rendeva indispensabile pensare alla possibilità di far lavorare l'uomo, in posizione disassata rispetto alla mezzeria della macchina, sia a sinistra che a destra,senza pregiudicare la possibilità di lavorare centralmente.

A cio' e' seguita la neccessità di regolare in lunghezza la posizione dell'uomo in modo da potersi adattare alle diverse altezze delle persone che lo utilizzano, e ai diversi modelli di macchine.


RAINO ARTICOLATO; SONO: Motofalciatrici, Falciatutto, Tagliaerba,Trinciaerba, Motocarriole, Macchine per la pulizia industriale, ecc...



Last Updated on Monday, 12 October 2015 07:21

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